[CODE][NEWBIE]: some more syserrors

From: Krylon (mattg@skyhigh.com)
Date: 08/19/99

I'm getting the following errors:

Aug 19 03:56:23 :: SYSERR: autoeq: 'Miles' already equipped in position
Aug 19 03:56:23 :: SYSERR: autoeq: 'Miles' already equipped in position
Aug 19 03:56:23 :: SYSERR: autoeq: 'Miles' already equipped in position
Aug 19 03:56:23 :: SYSERR: autoeq: 'Miles' already equipped in position
Aug 19 03:56:23 :: SYSERR: autoeq: 'Miles' already equipped in position
Aug 19 03:56:23 :: SYSERR: Assertion failed at handler.c:554!

Whats happeneing is most of the time players get this error, they crash
the mud when trying to log in. I checked the auto_equip function and it
just looks like it tried to equip a piece of the eq of the same WEAR
type again...
I've been deleting that players object file and that seems to work, but
obviously the effected players aren't too happy about that. People have
also reported that sometimes when they login they don't have their eq,
and instead they have large amounts (20-40) of a single piece of eq. Any


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