From: Peter Ajamian (
Date: 02/08/00

Peter Babcock wrote:
> Hi all
> ok i found the problem :)
> for those who would like to know what the problem was
> i forgot to change this
>    if (level > LVL_IMMORT) {
>      return EXP_MAX - ((LVL_IMPL - level) * 1000);
>    }
> to this
>    if (level > 100) {
>      return EXP_MAX - ((LVL_IMPL - level) * 1000);
>    }
> 100 is the last mortal level

and "100" is also what is known as a "magic number", one which you have
to change again manually if you ever change the leveling system again.
A better solution is to make the line as follows...

if (level >= LVL_IMMORT) ...

Regards, Peter

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