From: Del (
Date: 02/08/00

I would return all your code back to normal.. then just change one line
limits.c to:
(where they advance)

      while (GET_LEVEL(ch) < LVL_IMMORT - 1 &&

This way it prevents any normal advancement to immortal.

Peter Babcock wrote:
> Hi All
> just a quick question, from class.c where the exp per levels is
> i removed this case LVL_IMMORT: return 1600000000;
> because i had to many players getting to immortal status
> and then messing around  so i wanted then to stay level 100
> but now i get the error
> SYSERR: XP tables not set up correctly in class.c!
> is it because of what i removed, if so how can i fix it ?
> also if i advance someone to level 101 it wont do it!, it advances them then
> to some
> other level, but if i advance someone to 100 (last mortal level) it
> makes them 101
> anyone got ideas ?
> Regards
> Peter
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