Re: [NEWBIE] Global alias

From: Jon A. Nielsen (
Date: 02/08/00

> are you talking about a command that issues other commands, like maybe
> typing dwarves would walk you to the dwarven town.
> or are you talking about having players start the game with certain
> aliases?

I have seen an implementation of global aliases where an administrator can
define aliases that would affect everyone, thus allowing for ';' to be
aliased to 'wiznet $*' for immortals, and '.' being aliased to 'gossip $*'
for everyone, but I thought it was rather redundant;  If you wanted to do
that, it should be fairly simple--  just look at the alias code you have and
add a file with "global" aliases to be checked against, as well.

Jon A. Nielsen
Lazarus of Spear of Insanity MUD

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