[OASIS] Missing CLS

From: Del (caminturn@earthlink.net)
Date: 02/13/00

The addition of PRF_CLS for clear screen on OLC has no way to set
it to the character. A lot of missing code there in order for it to
oasis.c:  if (PRF_FLAGGED(d->character, PRF_CLS))

My fixes included, adding an entry to do_toggle to show it's state for

Added the entry for preference_bits[]

Added entry for ACMD(do_gen_tog)

Added command in interpreter.c
    { "olccls"   , "olcc"         , POS_DEAD    , do_gen_tog  ,

Added define in interpreter.h under toggles for above SCMD

Added case SCMD_OLC_CLS to toggle PRF_CLS on player

Mostly, if this PRF flag is going to be used, all this will have to be
done :)
or most of it.

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