Re: [NEWBIE] Modding pfile?

From: JD Smith (
Date: 02/13/00

In a message dated 2/13/00 9:53:44 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

<<   At risk for getting flamed with a newbie question:
   I've noted that the Circle stock code has very strong warnings to not
 the existing variables in the character files. Why is this? I'd like to
 throw out the D&D based system in favor of a different customized one, but I
 don't want to inadvertently totally break something. >>

pfiles in stock CircleMUD are binary[1].  So you can't simply open them up in
pico/edit/whatever to fix them up.  So jacking around with them generally
incur's a pwipe.  There are various snippets out there to move from binary
files to ascii ones... Not too hard to install.

[1] atleast in the copy i used last.. havent used circle in a while.. :)


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