Re: [NEWBIE] buf switches

From: Dave Ely (
Date: 02/22/00

I did some more researching and read the buff msgs in the archives, but I still wonder
will this # just continue to climb until a reboot and how much is too much.

I also noticed that a login bumped it by 1 and sometimes by 2. (why I dunna know)

I did some testing to see what increases the numbers.
Found that "show zones" increases buf switches by 2
(or 3 possibly).
Redit increased it by 1 (without changing anything).
medit increased it by 1 (without changing anything).
zedit had no effect.
oedit had no effect either.

I am too curious as to what these are, are they memory leaks (buffers
left behind)?
Should they be cleaned up? Should it decrement them as they free them?

Original message:
I was reading through about the buffers and was wondering what a normal
buffer switch
was? Or if there is one?  The reason I ask, is that I looked at my stats
and was kinda
wondering why mine were so high lately.   Here is what I got:

Current stats:
      1 players in game      1 connected
      9 registered
   1407 mobiles            573 prototypes
   1306 objects            683 prototypes
   1966 rooms               36 zones
      2 large bufs
    607 buf switches         0 overflows

and mind you, this was for 6 hours and with only 2 people playing at one

Does this seem like an overly large amount of buf switches to you?  And
if so, how would
I go about finding why and fixing it?

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