Re: Buffer Patch v1.9 Question/Problem (long)

From: William A Romano (
Date: 03/10/00

On Fri, 10 Mar 2000, William A Romano wrote:

>>Even so, we're seeing *HUGE* numbers of 16k buffers (see below)  I've set
>>up 3 as persistent, in hopes of stopping this, but to no avail.  Our
>>Syslog is also seeing a lot of activity with freed buffers of this size.
>I don't know which version did it, but one of the later versions made the
>buffer list useless.

Does this include the show buffer command being useless? I get spammed out
after 148 16k buffers are listed:
5 #146 16384 bytes, Life:    17, Type:   Stack, Allocated: unused/0.
5 #147 16384 bytes, Life:    16, Type:   Stack, Allocated: unused/0.
5 #148 16384 bytes,

>Have any "forgot to release" messages?

None. And aren't allocating any except what the patch required yet.

>Did you turn on the memory allocating feature?

I tried that, several error messages. I'll look into those this weekend,
anything else I can check?



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