I got an idea that might help you... with this peice of code, a level 2 attacking with a weapon that does say 1-4 points of damage would deal 3-7 and a level 3 would deal 4-8 and so on.... you can modify this to fit because a level 50 attacking with the same weapon certainly should not deal 51-55 damage but that is entirely up to you... in fight.c you will find a function that looks something like: int damage(struct char_data * ch, struct char_data * victim, int dam, int attacktype) in it you will find a line that should look like this: dam = MAX(MIN(dam, 100), 0); and right after it you will see: GET_HIT(victim) -= dam; now what you should do is BETWEEN this lines add this dam = dam + GET_LEVEL(ch); this will add the level number to the damage of the attacker... alternately you could do something like this: if a level 5 attacks a level 4 then he gets 1 bonus to his damage, if a level 4 attacks a level 5 he gets a pentalty of 1. In this case you should add this dam = dam + (GET_LEVEL(ch) - GET_LEVEL(victim)); hope this helps... if you have any problems with this code just tell me what happens and i'll do my best to help you out. Sibrus +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ: | | http://qsilver.queensu.ca/~fletchra/Circle/list-faq.html | +------------------------------------------------------------+
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