Re: Color

From: Patrick Dughi (
Date: 01/15/01

> [snipped large list of terminal types]
> >        Hey - don't forget about apples or amigas.  They each had their
> >own console setup, and you have to assume that someone has written a
> >commandline telnet clinet for them that uses some sort of native
> >pass-through.  Never can tell.
> I don't remember the amiga having any sort of native color-coding at
> the command shell.

        To tell you the truth, the list was mostly due to sarcasm.  I
don't believe the majority of those items actually supported color in any
form.  Probably most people didn't notice though.  It's not that those
client types aren't supported, but that even in the applications which are
still used today which do support those types, there's a 'better' type
that is used all the time instead.  Like some adaptation on vt100.

> How about support for Commodore Graphics, though?  The old C64 only
> had 16 colors, but it was a much better set than what we're using in
> modern muds.  It also had a very nice set of graphic building blocks
> (I used to draw a mean castle) and it used only one byte per color
> change or graphic character if I remember correctly.
> Sure, we'd all have to paint symbols all over our keyboards.  Small
> price to pay.
        Could just get one of those plastic keyboard overlay things with
the shift/control codes written below each button, like they used to
distribute with every software application way back.

> There's a complete tcp/ip stack and basic internet applications fot
> the 64 floating around on the web somewhere.  What better use for that
> old workhorse than a dedicated mud terminal?  Those of us unfortunate
> enough to be lacking a 64 can fire up an emulator to do our mudding.

                'Dedicated mud terminal'.

                huh. Okay. I'm scared now.

        Sides, I've not got a c64, but i've got 2 apple IIe's and an apple
IIGS (with 256k extra memory, for a total of 768k!).  And a brace of wyse


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