Re: Random Ticks

From: George Greer (
Date: 06/29/01

On Fri, 29 Jun 2001, Rob Masten wrote:

>personally I always hated clients with tick counters, they
>tend to prompt 'crazy' behavour (ex. speedwalking between
>cities and all the sudden the player falls asleep the split
>second before the tick and jumps back up the split second
>after the tick) from players.

So make your tick 1 to 5 seconds and scale the HP/MP/MV gains to match the
new, shorter time. People may be ok with sleeping every 75 seconds, but
every single second? Talk about sleeping at the drop of a hat. :)

(You might want to make HP/MP/MV into 'float' to handle the division

NOTE: This doesn't mean area resets and time goes every 1 to 5 seconds,
just the player character regeneration.  That's lightweight enough to not
matter if it runs constantly.

George Greer

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