Re: Header Files - (was: Quick colour question)

From: Henrik Stuart (
Date: 09/17/01

Hello Daniel,

Monday, September 17, 2001, 1:49:03 AM, you wrote:

> No.  Is there are any reason you're including header files twice?  With
> the standard library it's done because many of the headers #include other
> headers.  Sometimes even circularly for interdependencies.  This isn't
> done in CircleMUD and the header files generally aren't complex or modular
> enough to justify it (even though it's a small change).  If the files were
> more numerous (split into several different modules), then it might make
> more sense.  As it stands, the files don't have inter-dependencies that
> require them to #include each other (excepting "conf.h" and "sysdep.h")
> and so this protection would serve little real purpose.

  Have been porting circle to c++ for the past few weeks and ran into
  a bit of trouble when I accidentally made a circular include, not
  that it caused any great trouble. Just mused over it for a few
  seconds as I generally find it good programming style to make guards
  in header-files no matter how trivial (almost). :o)

  Circle in itself isn't overly complex, I agree, but once you start
  throwing around iterators and stuff to traverse data structures
  including stl's algorithms it can get a bit messy.

Yours truly,
 Henrik Stuart (

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