Re: [CODING] Fight System Crash, in act.offensive

From: Chi Hue (
Date: 12/12/01

Okay, I ran thru debugger, and It gives
unhandled exception on this line
>   else if (GET_OBJ_VAL(GET_EQ
>   (ch, WEAR_WIELD), 3) == 15)
Thats one line btw.
the segment is (skeleton)
>  else if (GET_OBJ_VAL(GET_EQ
> (ch, WEAR_WIELD), 3) == 15)
>  {
> // Gun Fight Code
> }
> else
> {
> // This is all normal loop
> // Fight code
> }
Now, If I comment out the else if (for gun) it works fine,
if not, guns work fine, but not any other combat.

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