Re: [newbie] BuildWalk

From: Alex (
Date: 01/11/02

> as you say, you havent tested it, I wanted to know if anyone had
> had the same problem with the buildwalk patch other than myself.
From everything that I've gathered, the patch failed and gave you
rejects.  That'll happen with pretty much _any_ patch.  The FAQ
has some nice information on how to deal with rejects.  It comes
in the form of having to do some hand-patching.

You might want to give it a try.

> As i said, i used stock versions of the circle distrubtions
> and stock versions of Olc applied,
You patched OLC and then tried Buildwalk, or are you still talking
about the stuff in contrib/servers?

It is possible that it was meant for a beta version of Oasisv2.
A number of those were available, but they are not longer archived.


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