Re: Adding Levels (redux)

From: Mike Breuer (
Date: 01/18/02

> ...I tried
> advancing a char to level 103 but it stops at level 34? Did I do
> wrong?

You can't advance a character past your own level.  So, assuming that
your imp is still level 34, he wouldn't be able to advance himself or
anyone else beyond that.  I added the following code to the case '1': of
the startup menu in interpreter.c, nanny(..):

+     if (GET_IDNUM(d->character) == 1 &&
+         GET_LEVEL(d->character) < LVL_IMPL) {
+       send_to_char("You have been advanced to implementor level.\r\n",
+                    d->character);
+       gain_exp_regardless(d->character,
+                           level_exp(GET_CLASS(d->character), LVL_IMPL)
+                           GET_EXP(d->character));
+     }


Once your primary implementor has been promoted, he should be able to
promote other characters.


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