I have numerous ideas on what to add to Oasis OLC. I have been running the builder's academy for almost 2 years now. We've trained.... 100's of builders. Zemial and Welcor have developed our OLC significantly. The majority of my recommendations are their implementations of my ideas and numerous other builders. 1. No longer abbreviate s/l/d/a-desc. Simple I know. But makes it easier for new builders to grasp what they do and mean. Instead of blank <not set> on obj a-desc put something like <used only with staff, scroll, wand, potion, and note>. #2 mistake for builders is thinking a-desc is the equivalent mob d-desc. 2. create d-desc for obj... just an idea. Better to have a standard format for people to learn more quickly. Should also include extra description for mobs. Some people actually like to write and I have been told many times mob d-desc is not long enough. 3. Extra descriptions bracketing. When you stat object you get a long list of extra description (if there are any). i.e. an object that has 3 extra descriptions <mahogany desk notepad pad paper drawer> should be <[mahogany desk] [notepad pad paper] [drawer]> makes things easier for builders checking out zones. 4. Zedit sanity checking. Don't let players equip fountains, double equip same position on mob, numerous other possibilities. 5. Automatic format with indent toggle for IMP... 6. When line is truncated explain to builders to enter fewer lines of text at once. #1 mistake by new builders. I'm out of time, I have more. I realize alot of these may seem insignificant, but they would be time savers and make OLC more user friendly. I have more, but I am sure you are busy enough. Rumble The Builder's Academy enigma.dune.net 9091 For those interested the builder's academy is transitioning into the development port for DG Scripts. Our mission is to train new builders and improve the CircleMUD community. Welcor and I had discussed developing OLC also, but he has his work cut out for him enough with triggers and I don't have the experience yet to tackle such a project. Thank you for taking it up. -- +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | FAQ: http://qsilver.queensu.ca/~fletchra/Circle/list-faq.html | | Archives: http://post.queensu.ca/listserv/wwwarch/circle.html | | Newbie List: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/circle-newbies/ | +---------------------------------------------------------------+
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