Re: MS Access Database & Circle MUD

From: Torgny Bjers (
Date: 12/11/02

On 02-12-11 22.10, "David Cole" <tiznor@SOFTHOME.NET> wrote:

> Hello,
> I've been scouring the internet for about two days now trying to find some
> information on using C/C++ (mainly on a circle MUD server) to write and read
> from a MS Access Database. Well I've managed to find a virtual dump of
> nothing, or everything not related to what I'm trying to do.

One minor question: Do you run your MUD in Cygwin?  Then you could install
MySQL or PostgreSQL.  Or would you consider installing a MySQL server on
your W2K machine?  It's simple as pie.  I don't have the exact specs for a
comparison between MS Access and MySQL, but I can vouch for its speed and
reliablilty, ESCPECIALLY compared to an MS Access Database and the kind of
load that a MUD puts on the database.  And I doubt there's a C API for MS
Access floating around. ;)

I could also provide you with the basics of how to get up and running with
MySQL, including functions, and you could take a look at some of my files to
get the saving and loading up and running.

Kind Regards,

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