Re: [NEWBIE] Dibrova Code

From: Gerald Florence (
Date: 02/19/03

On 20 Feb 2003, at 0:56, Del wrote:

> Only question I have is:
> Did you run ./configure prior to "make all"?
> It's a small thing people forget to mention that you should
> do, since the system the code was created on is not
This would work if we assume that the donators of the Dibrova code
had left the original configuration files intact and had updated them
everytime they added and changed the code.  They chose not to.
I've played around with Dibrova code.  While it's very interesting, it
will take a bit of work to get it working right.  I had to clean up the
code before I could get it to compile right and then I ran into the
segmentation fault problem.  Right now, I have other priorities so I
put the Dibrova code on the shelf for now.

Gerald Florence (Septe)

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