Hi, Im still trying to code a special proc that opens an exit when a character drops a certain item in a room flagged as special_room or whatever. I can check for the item, as shown from my code frag below, but i cannot make the character move to the new room, but what i really need is a door to be opened, any help would be grateful.... --- code frag --- SPECIAL(ent_corroded_from_keep) { struct obj_data *k; int obj_num = 0; int location = 8001; char *buf; ACMD(do_drop); char *fname(char *namelist); for (k = world[ch->in_room].contents; k; k = world[ch->in_room].contents) { act("$p vanishes in a puff of smoke!", FALSE, 0, k, 0, TO_ROOM); extract_obj(k); } if (!CMD_IS("drop")) return 0; do_drop(ch, argument, cmd, 0); for (k = world[ch->in_room].contents; k; k = world[ch->in_room].contents) { act("$p vanishes in a puff of smoke!", FALSE, 0, k, 0, TO_ROOM); obj_num = GET_OBJ_VNUM(k); extract_obj(k); } if(obj_num == 8136) { char_from_room(ch); char_to_room(ch, location); <------- bombs here! look_at_room(ch, 0); } return 1; } Also, has anyone thought of doing like a dictionary for the circle functions and how to implement, with perhaps sample code.. Obviously not all the little bitty functions, but it would be nice to know what fn does what with out grepping through all the code to find it.... :) Snurt ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___ | - ---___- | E-Mail: (' || _ | Internet: A.U.McLernan @ durham.ac.uk (( || < \, /\\ | (( || /-|| / | (( // (( || /\\ | Snail Mail: A.U.Mclernan -____- \/\\ || | College Of St.Hild & St.Bede / | Durham University (, | Durham | DH1 1SZ | U.K ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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