Question about Reply Command

From: Christopher J. Dickey (
Date: 04/20/95

  With some of the work I've been doing lately, it has brought me to look 
at the whole idnum thing for players, and I happened to go over the reply 
command.  I guess my question is this, would using a pointer to char_data 
take up any more memory than the long-int used?  The problem with the 
reply, though this may not be considered a problem for some, is that all 
mobs have idnums of 0.  Therefore, you can not reply to a mob, though it 
can freely reply to you because when you tell someone something, it 
stores your idnum in a var in their struct.  So, would anyone see a 
problem with turning it into a pointer to the char_data struct or would 
anyone have a better way of working this so that mobs would be included?  
It also seems it might save a bit of time being that the reply command 
searches through the player list to get a pointer to the last person who 
told.  Comments, replies, solutions, all appreciated.


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