Re: Adding more Areas

From: Thomas G. Dailey (
Date: 07/22/95

On Fri, 21 Jul 1995, Brett Helgeson wrote:

> 	I posted to this fine list a few days ago wondering if anyone
> had changed the maximum amount of rooms and rooms per zone limit in 
> circle 2.20. I got a smattering of response, but nothing 'hard'. I ask, 
> neigh, I beg of you if you know what to do, please shoot it my way - I 
> have been busy mapping out my world (Well its Professor Tolkiens really - 
> Middle Earth!), and I need a whole bunch more rooms - I have just 
> finished Mirkwood (north and south) and it comes in at well over 36,000 
> rooms. Yeah its huge, and the world is going to be pretty damn big, I 
> figure as a rough estimate close to 750,000 rooms by the time I am done. 
> It will probably be closer to a million. I can't even think of the boot 
> time as it is! (Hours =) Of course this will take a long, long time to 
> do, but I don't care, its a project that I work on from time to time....
> 	Anyway, beg, beg, beg. I have fooled with changing things, but 
> nothing worked right. So if someone could spare me the headache (then I 
> can get the scabbard code done =).
       Do you have room descriptions and direction descriptions and 
specials etc for these 36k rooms? How long did it take you to do that?
just curious.


Tom Dailey
Gore - IMP
ZombieMUD 2150
Thanks for the time.... > 
> Through the darkness comes the howl, the echo of the fellbeasts of
> the Warp.  Alone I stand, knowing full well that death awaits me. 
> My sole comfort shall be in knowing that I will not fall alone, and
> without sacrifice of something I truly believe in. 
> 		Warlord Dain Ironson, during the fall of Elras Tror
> I am Varagol@Netcom.Com		    "Just call me Crank"

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