Re: Need help with this

From: Ace (
Date: 07/31/95

On Tue, 1 Aug 1995, Robert Bennett wrote:

> I've recently added this into PrimalMUd and i had the same sort of prob.. 
> i found that the prob was that if the enemy is killed by the 1st or 
> second attack the 2nd or 2rd attack still tries to fight it cos ya still 
> sending the hit() command.. you need to add a check to see if the ch is 
> still fighting after each hit before telling them to hit again..
> hope that helped and that it made sense...

Yup....that was it.  It occured to me while I was stuck in traffic and 
nothing better to think about than code, but wasn't sure if that was the 
correct solution.  But, since many people seemed to agree, I added a 
check, and it worked fine.

Thanks for the help, everyone!

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WRUW-FM / Cleveland        AbsolutMUD ( 4000)

Who are you to criticize           |
To judge and burn the tribes       | Put your money where your mouth is
The world will be extinct	   | So I can shove it down your throat.
And your flesh will rot with mine. |

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