As far as editing data structures does, the only structure I've bothered with/dared to edit was the descriptor-data structure. Threw a byte in there, initialized the byte when the socket was initialized, and I was surprised the MUD didn't crash. <heh>. Now it seems to work fine; just some betatesting required to ensure that nothing conflicts. This is where I would install any structures regarding spell delays. Visually, the player would focus on the spell ("Gorath closes his eyes as he begins a surge of energy in his cupped hands..."), and then 2-5 seconds later, "The ball of pure energy pierces Thruvius for 43 damage!". I have damage indicators laying throughout the MUD based on various classes and levels which makes the game a tad more realistic, since players were requesting it. They just have to wait till level 5 or 10 until they can see what's happening. <grin>. I think the descriptor structure is also where I would place any extra character data. I don't like the idea of editing the player files, considering I'm planning on having all the changes installed in the gamma release of CM3.0.
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