[In Response to "CircleMUD.. .listings..." from Mamie Louie Lew] Let me sum up NoMUD for the rest of the list here, a MUD with no credits on the screen, appears to have three "major" changes (100 levels, races, and more classes), accepts donations, doesn't have a coder, but is frequently changed and "heavily modified"? Hm, so, so far it breaks the DIKU and Circle 3.0 (there is one, right?) licenses, it doesn't have a coder but is "frequently updated", has some nice races, but classes for dragons/vampires?! A dragon is a dragon and a vampire is a vampire, IMHO. When was the last time you saw a dragon and a vampire together anyway? Not that I *wouldn't* do it (but, I have a theme), just out of sync since dragon stories date back way before vampires. Hm, is this the MUD that said they were a CircleMUD but not a DIKU? So, all the offense intended. I don't really care about your theme or features, it might be a decent MUD if, of course, it followed the licenses... Good luck, Trice Sabre [Aka., Daniel Koepke] (BETA) Krimson : mud.california.com/ 1234 Maintainer of the NiMUD RP-oriented DIKU server.
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