circle mud - code submission (fwd)

From: Christopher Busch (
Date: 08/21/95

About 2-3 years ago I wrote an Eliza system in C++.  Apparently on MUDs 
it is not very possible to hold conversions with NPCs. My C++ eliza 
system could easily solve that.  Even though your code is in C, I believe 
it would be possible to link C++ code into C.  If not I would be 
willing to convert it to C for your MUD.  All you would have to do is tell 
me the interface that you would like to use.

  int initNPCchatsystem(); //could possibly return error codes
  int loadNPCchatfile(int NPCidnumber); //possibly return error codes
  char* talkwithNPC(int NPCidnumber,char* ingoingmsg);  //returns what 
						//was replied.
  int uninitNPCchatsystem();

Or some similar method.

I envision when a PC uses the 'tell <person>' command, that the string
that is send by that command will be passsed to the talkwithNPC(  ) function.
The string returned from talkwithNPC will be said back to the teller.

Please reply telling me whether or not to pursue this endeavor.

Christopher G Busch                          "Avoid computer viruses,                             practice safe hex." 
Working on

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