Re: olc

From: Levork (
Date: 09/10/95

On Sat, 9 Sep 1995, Billy H. Chan (~{3B:FH;~}) wrote:

> I just grabbed olc myself and have been having problems with it:
> I'm trying to edit zone 90, but it keeps on killing the items I
> create.  Same with rooms.  I ended up making 'stub's for them
> within the wld and obj files (empty 'placeholders' so I don't
> use OLC to create, just to edit the item/room).  Anyone else having
> the same problem?

I think the problem is that somewhere along the line, it'll ignore 
changes to the last object/room, or it won't allow the creation of 
objects/rooms which are numbered greater than everything else. Something 
like that. I ran into this earlier, and I think I've fixed this, thanks.


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