An easy solution to letting guildguards allow more then one class in the same exit would be this: Add bitvectors for each class: #define CLASS_MAGE_BV (1 << CLASS_MAGIC_USER) #define CLASS_CLERIC_BV (1 << CLASS_CLERIC) #define CLASS_THIEF_BV (1 << CLASS_THIEF) #define CLASS_WARRIOR_BV (1 << CLASS_WARRIOR) #define CLASS_ASSASSIN_BV (1 << CLASS_ASSASSIN) Then change all of the guild_info's to: int guild_info[][3] = { /* Midgaard */ {CLASS_MAGE_BV, 3017, SCMD_SOUTH}, {CLASS_CLERIC_BV, 3004, SCMD_NORTH}, {CLASS_THIEF_BV, 3027, SCMD_EAST}, {CLASS_WARRIOR_BV, 3021, SCMD_EAST}, then you can add it so a thief can go in the same exit an assassin could enter the thief guild: {CLASS_THIEF_BV|CLASS_ASSASSIN_BV, 3027, SCMD_EAST}, And here's a changed guild_guard spec_proc to use the bitvectors SPECIAL(guild_guard) { int i, blocked = TRUE; extern int guild_info[][3]; struct char_data *guard = (struct char_data *) me; char *buf = "The guard humiliates you, and blocks your way.\r\n"; char *buf2 = "The guard humiliates $n, and blocks $s way."; if (!IS_MOVE(cmd) || IS_AFFECTED(guard, AFF_BLIND)) return FALSE; if (GET_LEVEL(ch) >= LVL_IMMORT) return FALSE; for (i = 0; guild_info[i][0] != -1; i++) { if ((IS_NPC(ch) || !IS_SET(guild_info[i][0], (1 << GET_CLASS(ch)))) && world[ch->in_room].number == guild_info[i][1] && cmd == guild_info[i][2]) { return TRUE; } } if (blocked) { send_to_char(buf, ch); act(buf2, FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM); } else return FALSE; return FALSE; }
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