Re: [Circle] do_who help

From: Charles Canning (
Date: 08/15/96


Have you allocated any memory for the char *tmp??


On Wed, 14 Aug 1996 wrote:

> i've added an elemental to the character file
> ch->player_specials->saved.prefix
> where *prefix is of type char.
> i want to prepend the prefix to the characters name when someone does
> a who, so in do_who, i put in:
>   char *tmp;
> then later on put in 
>   tmp = strcat((wch->player_specials->saved.prefix), (GET_NAME(wch)));
> and replaced the GET_NAME in the sprintf that displays the name with tmp.
> it compiles without warning or error, but when i go to do a who, it
> crashes the mud.  
> gdb is giving the value of blah->saved.prefix as what i want it to be,
> and presumably GET_NAME(wch) will turn up the appropriate name string,
> so i have no idea what i am doing wrong :(
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