[CODE] Use UNIX database gdbm/ndbm/dbm for player&object files ?

From: Katzlberger Thomas (cat@vuse.vanderbilt.edu)
Date: 09/20/96

Hello all!

I just stumbled onto the dbm thingy which comes with
all UNIXes:

NDBM(3)             UNIX Programmer's Manual              NDBM(3)

     dbm_open, dbm_close, dbm_fetch, dbm_store, dbm_delete,
     dbm_firstkey, dbm_nextkey, dbm_error, dbm_clearerr - data
     base subroutines

     These functions maintain key/content pairs in a data base.
     The functions will handle very large (a billion blocks)
     databases and will access a keyed item in one or two file
     system accesses.  This package replaces the earlier dbm(3x)
     library, which managed only a single database.

Wouldn't using those save us from many problems with playerfile,  
alias, objfile & saved_struct modification ?

The public domain gdbm package can be downloaded from  
aeneas.mit.edu. Just in case its not installed ...

_/_/                                                            _/_/
_/_/  Thomas Katzlberger                                        _/_/
_/_/  katzlbt@vuse.vanderbilt.edu                               _/_/
_/_/  @aWhiteNeXT.called.garfield                               _/_/
_/_/  http://www.vuse.vanderbilt.edu/~katzlbt/                  _/_/
_/_/                                                            _/_/
_/_/  "You can tune a file system, but you can't tune a fish."  _/_/
_/_/                                UNIX man page for tunefs.   _/_/
_/_/                                                            _/_/
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