Another fun crash
Date: 09/29/97

I've installed the dmalloc lib, to help me located memory leaks and other
fun things easier.  I've been getting memory out of bounds errors and
other fun things.  Here is my latest bug, tell me what you think.

Pointer within malloc region, but outside of malloc data bounds
This error is *probably* associated with the following allocation:

        A call to malloc for 1052 bytes in an unknown file.
        This was the 663rd call to malloc.

        This block was freed on the 1447th call to free()
        in handler.c on line 69.

handler.c {

#define WHITESPACE " \t"

int isname(char *str, char *namelist)
  char *newlist;
  char *curtok;

  newlist = strdup(namelist); /* make a copy since strtok 'modifies'strings */

  for(curtok = strtok(newlist, WHITESPACE); curtok; curtok = strtok(NULL,
     if(curtok && is_abbrev(str, curtok))
        return 1;
  free(newlist); /* this is line 69 */
  return 0;


MALLOC Warning from memcpy():
Pointer within malloc region, but outside of malloc data bounds
This error is *probably* associated with the following allocation:

        A call to malloc for 1052 bytes in an unknown file.
        This was the 663rd call to malloc.

        This block was freed on the 1447th call to free()
        in handler.c on line 69.

Sat Sep 27 19:48:48 :: ch-> =

Lotsa backspaces eh ?  How in the halibut did those get there ?  Anyways
any insite into this spam would be appreciated.


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