Re: adding race, class to hit

From: Rasdan (rasdan@PEAK.ORG)
Date: 11/23/97

>Can anyone recommend a quick place to add race and class to the list of
>keywords you can use to attack a player? I've mucked about in
>handler.h: get_char_room_vis, but don't want to have to change that
>prototype and then change it everywhere it shows up..
>An ++Anarchist++ Clone is standing here.
>>k anarc
> They aren't here.
>>k clone
> They aren't here.

Well, is the ++ surrounding added when it is displayed or is it an actual
part of the race name?

If it's not a part of the race name, then you can use get_char_room_vis
without modifying any prototypes, no additional argument is required.

This is from my code, not sure what stock circle is, though I don't think
we changed this function any:

I'm going to assume your race array is pc_race_types.

  for (i = world[ch->in_room].people; i && j <= number; i = i->next_in_room)
    if (isname(tmp, i-> || \
      /* These two lines should be all you need to add */
       !str_cmp(name, pc_race_types[GET_RACE(i)]) || \
        !str_cmp(name, pc_class_types[GET_CLASS(i)]))
      if (CAN_SEE(ch, i))
        if (++j == number)
          return i;

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