Re: [CODE] Files

From: Drago's (creed@I-55.COM)
Date: 12/04/97

>It would be easier to add a string field to the existing wld files.

After discussion of the implementaion of this, me and my fellow imps agreed
that this, while a helluva lot easier, isn't quite as "usefull" as the file
idea.  However, I have thought of an even better solution.  It is not really
an option for already existing MUD's, but for one where we are taking all
the stock zones out, it is quite possible.  My idea was to add two more
fields to the .wld files for the alternate description and the pending
ability score.  This will not simply be added to the current description,
however.  If the character meets the ability score minimum, the alternate
desc will be displayed instead of the normal one.  However, since most rooms
won't have an "alternate description", a description of nothing would have
to result in a
world[room_nr].extra_desc = world[room_nr].description
call.  I don't know exactly how I would do that, but I'm sure it's not to
hard.  With this method, I could simply add

struct room_data
   char *description;
-> char *extra_desc;
-> int  *applied_abil;

to the room data and have checks for it.  However, I am unsure how to set up
extra fields in the records in wld files.  I am just GUESSING that it would
accept two new fields ended by a ~ mark (as long as they were appropriate

Chuck Reed
|Chuck Reed - Ash of Dark Horizon                     |
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|"If you don't stand for something, you are bound     |
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