Re: QP System

From: Del (
Date: 02/13/00

You will have to log it,
Also, Try telling us what exactly your trying to do..

I sent that code as an example.. not to be used specifically..

Also here is a hint:
The code I posted was for OBJECTS.. You said it crashes right after
the MOB loads..
Change your code accordingly, so that the MOB has similar code to the
example I posted.

Jerry Billings wrote:
> In a message dated 2/13/00 7:46:52 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:
> > fprintf(stderr,"line is [%s], t[0] is [%d], t[1] is [%d]\n", line, t[0],
> >  t[1]);
> okay i added but nothing happened, it still crashed but didnt spit out any
> info. i'm using win98 and i'm sure thats why....
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