Re: Using player attributes to calculate damage

From: Minturn.Del.PRC.Oceana (Del@PRCOceana.Corona.Navy.Mil)
Date: 02/22/00

Still on a newbieish side.. Would a REAL coder tell me if this is messed up?

add_dam = 0;
if (GET_STR(ch) == 18)
  add_dam = int(GET_ADD(ch)/10);
damage = ((GET_STR(ch) + add_dam) * GET_LEVEL(ch) * 3);

(this depends on if you want to add level to str then multiply or
 just multiply all of them as above)

damage = (((GET_STR(ch) + add_dam) + GET_LEVEL(ch)) * 3);

-----Original Message-----
From: Circle Discussion List []On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2000 10:20 AM
Subject: [CIRCLE] Using player attributes to calculate damage

Would someone please give me an example of how to utilize a player's
strength or constitution to calculate damage for an ADDED skill?  For
example, suppose I want the damage for SKILL_CHOKE to equal 3 * the
character's strength level. How do I pull that into the code line?
(I'm new to dealing with the coding aspects of the game, have found it
rather simple to modify the basic bash, kick, etc aggy skills, and aggy
spells, but can't get the attributes thing licked. Anyone willing to help


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