Re: [ERROR] in structs.h

From: Allan Hangaard (
Date: 05/21/00

> On Sun, 21 May 2000, Peter Nielsen wrote:
> >On Sun, 21 May 2000, Allan Hangaard wrote:
> >
> >> I am coding on a circle 3.0 bpl 16, and I was implementing the ability
> >> fly through flying sectors, however it seems that Underwater and Flying
> >> somehow got mixed up.... so When I trird to not fly into an underwater
> >> I was told I needed to be and when trying to walk into an inf flight
> >> Well guess what, I could walk just fine.
> >>
> >> It seems the sollution to this problem is to switch the numbers for
> >> SECT_FLYING and SECT_UNDERWATER in structs.h
> >>
> >> I don't know if this has been fixed in later versions of circle. So I
> >> thought I'd let you all know. :)
> >>
> >> I have tested this code and it works fine :)
> >>
> >> Allan Hangaard
> >>
> >
> >Your correct.. it was fixed in bpl17 i think..
> No, but his fix isn't correct either.  The movement cost for flying is 5
> and underwater is 1 with his change.  The correct fix is to just change
> order of the strings.
> --
> George Greer
This fix would work just fine, if not already one had a lot of rooms with
the wrong bits. So if you change the values in structs.h go to constants.c,
and swap the numbers for the move cost too. That would save you the trouble
of finding and fixing all rooms with the incorrect sector type.

Allan Hangaard

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