From: "ZaufeMUD" <> > /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: Invalid or unhandled FORM value: 14. > /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: Invalid or unhandled FORM value: 14. > /usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: Invalid or unhandled FORM value: 14. Strange compiler warning indeed. Ask your sysadmin for a fix for this one. You need 'binutils-'. (according to this link: ) > comm.o: In function `close_socket': > :1955: undefined reference to `cleanup_olc' > dg_olc.o: In function `trigedit_disp_menu': > :185: undefined reference to `get_char_colors' > :198: undefined reference to `nrm' > :198: undefined reference to `grn' > :198: undefined reference to `yel' > :198: undefined reference to `cyn' <etc> > I am pretty much getting these for every occurounce of > cleanup_olc and any references to the colors.. So you need a prototype for the colors + cleanup_olc. My suggestion: Add the line void cleanup_olc(struct descriptor_data *d, byte cleanup_type); to oasis.h, and include oasis.h in every file you have a problem with, and add the lines extern const char *nrm, *grn, *cyn, *yel; void get_char_colors_nrm(struct char_data *ch); to utils.h > I am using BPL21, Oasis OLC 2.0.1 with DG PL8 and > Ascii pfiles and EasyColour 2.2 When patching easycolor, make sure you add the correct prototypes to the files you alter which aren't part of the patch (dg_*). Welcor -- +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | FAQ: | | Archives: | | Newbie List: | +---------------------------------------------------------------+
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