Proposal for the skills array

From: Tseran (
Date: 11/02/02

I am thinking of doing this on my own MUD, and thought it might not be
a bad idea for the MUD cvs.  There have been plenty of times where
Circle coders have talked about giving mobs access to skills like
players, and that is something that isn't new.  What I propose is make
a new struct in the char_data that is specifically designed around
having things that players traditionally have but that mobs MAY have.
Then, you can assign a "dummy_mob" to it like it is now, but if you
have a mob that does use them, you don't need to do so, you can give it
a real struct.  This will save some space in memory and only use it
when called for.  In MUDs where D20 is the style, even the lowest of
mobs can have skills, and if they use them (through DG scripts or
mob_specs) they will end up failing simply because they have the
dummy_mob.  Anyone have any thoughts on this?  Would this be feasible?
Would it be likely?
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